Saturday, December 28, 2019

Essay on Animal Farm And The Russian Revolution - 877 Words

George Orwell’s novel Animal Farm is a great example of allegory and political satire. The novel was written to criticize totalitarian regimes and particularly Stalins corrupt rule in Russia. In the first chapter Orwell gives his reasons for writing the story and what he hopes it will accomplish. It also gives reference to the farm and how it relates to the conflicts of the Russian revolution. The characters, settings, and the plot were written to describe the social upheaval during that period of time and also to prove that the good nature of true communism can be turned into something atrocious by an idea as simple as greed. This essay will cover the comparisons between Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution. It will also explain why†¦show more content†¦He died before getting to see the rise of his creation just as Old Major did. The rise and fall of Lenin by Stalin is portrayed in Napoleon’s actions toward Snowball. Even though Lenin had some good intentions towards the people of Europe he was still slightly corrupt and susceptible to being overthrown. Stalin took advantage of this. He soon took his position and began his corrupt rule with the people tricked into believing he was a better leader and had the peoples’ issues at heart. After the attack on Jones, (The Czar) Snowball becomes the leader and changes the name of Manor farm to Animal Farm, which represents the good of the change that has been made. Snowball portrays Lenin who is the first leader of Russia to rule under the new doctrine of communism. Snowball comes up with many great ideas about how to make animal farm prosper even though he is a little corrupt as well. One of the ideas is the construction of a windmill to improve the efficiency. Napoleon, representing Stalin, opposes the idea and after betraying Snowball by convincing t he other animals that he is a spy, has him run off of the farm by the dogs that represent the KGB. Napoleon puts the animals hard to work building the very same windmill he opposed at first. This should have given him away as a corrupt leader in the beginning. The most important part of a country is theShow MoreRelatedAnimal Farm And Russian Revolution Essay1202 Words   |  5 PagesANIMAL FARM THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION â€Å"All Animals Are Equal But Some Are More Equal Than Others.1 At the beginning of the 19th century much of Europe viewed Russia as an undeveloped, backward society. The Russian Empire executed serfdom which is when landless peasants had to serve those who owned land. This went on quite far into the 19th century. Serfdom disappeared in most of the Europe by 1500. The Russian Revolution which took place in the year 1917 was an explosive political event that tookRead MoreAnimal Farm and the Russian Revolution - Essay895 Words   |  4 PagesGeorge Orwells novel Animal Farm is a great example of allegory and political satire. The novel was written to criticize totalitarian regimes and particularly Stalins corrupt rule in Russia. In the first chapter Orwell gives his reasons for writing the story and what he hopes it will accomplish. It also gives reference to the farm and how it relates to the conflicts of the Russian revolution. The characters, settings, and the plot were written to describe the social upheaval during that periodRead MoreThe Russian Revolution and Animal Farm Essay1424 Words   |  6 PagesThe book Animal Farm by George Orwell was written in comparison to the way that the Russian revolution had taken place. The main idea of the book was that the petite bourgeoisie’s (the middle class people) were the ones who took adv antage of the revolt. The petite bourgeoisie moved up the social tower to be the bourgeoisie (the noble class). The proletariat (peasants) did not want to rebel because they were to worried about what they were going to eat the next day. Mr. Jones the owner andRead MoreSimilarities between Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution874 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿The Russian Revolution Animal Farm Animal Farm is a satirical novella by George Orwell, and it can also be understood as a modern fable. The book is about a group of animals who drive away the humans from the farm which they live on, and it is primarily based on the Russian Revolution. Animal Farm is well known as an allegory. Most fables have two levels of meanings. On the surface, the fable is about animals. But on the second level, the animals stand for types of people or ideas. The way theRead MoreAllegory Of George Orwells Animal Farm And The Russian Revolution749 Words   |  3 Pagesbook called Animal Farm demonstrates that the story is an allegory for the Russian Revolution. The story explains about power and how is the society being ruled. At first, it has been nice, until there is power and nobody is actually equal to each other. Mostly, the animals or people do not accept anything like that, but the society has changed and it will never be the same. Therefore, the book, Animal Farm, and history, Russian Revolution, have similar connections of what do the animals and peopleRead MoreThe Russian Revolution and George Orwells Animal Farm Essay1241 Words   |  5 PagesThe Russian Revolution and George Orwells Animal Farm Animal Farm can be read in two different ways. The first is as a childs book about animals that can walk and talk, but the second is to understand what message the book is trying give. To understand this message you need to understand about the Russian revolution 1917. In the book Animalism is created and in the revolution communist leaders gain power. The book directly links a person from the revolution toRead MoreBased on the Russian Revolution, Animal Farm by George Orwell672 Words   |  3 Pageshideous and cruel. In the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell, we see a terrible dictatorship based on the Russian Revolution. The pigs on Animal Farm instantly became the leaders of the farm. â€Å"The pigs did not actually work, but directed the others with their superior knowledge it was natural to assume their leadership (Orwell 19). After Jones leaves, the animals work together trying to make the farm a better place for animals. Shortly after the overthrow of the farm the pigs start learning how toRead MoreSnowball from Animal Farm and Leon Trotskys Roles in the Russian Revolution891 Words   |  4 Pagesplayed an important role in the Russian Revolution and so did the character of Snowball from the novel Animal Farm. Their life actions had a positive affect towards history even though their goals were never accomplished. Leon Trotsky Leon Trotsky was the chairman of the Military Revolutionary Committee of the Petrograd Soviet. The organization was that, under Lenin’s direction, that shown the overthrow of the state which is called or known â€Å"The October Revolution† Since the Revolt is originatedRead MoreAllegory Animal Farm Analysis773 Words   |  4 PagesAnimal Farm Allegory Essay According to, Revolution: an overthrown or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed. Orwell wrote Animal Farm to be a satire to the Russian Revolution. The oldest, wisest pig on the farm, Old Major, has a dream of a rebellion against the humans. He tells the idea to his fellow comrades and starts an uprise with the animals. Once Old Major died, the animals became tired of the farmerRead MoreWays of Viewing Animal Farm: Historical Allegory, Fable, and Suspension of Disbelief752 Words   |  4 PagesAnimal farm tells the story of a group of animals rebelling successfully against the previous owner, Mr Jones, who was considered to be a tyrant of animal/manor farm. The farm was planned to be communist place but because of most of the animals gullibility and unintelligence the pigs who where smarter took control and made a hierarchy and exploited the animals. Then eventually the pigs became more like humans doing things like walking on two legs and wearing cloths. However would animal farm be

Friday, December 20, 2019

Class Oppression The Key To Social Control. In Both The

Class Oppression: The Key to Social Control In both the film Metropolis (1927) and Brave New World, Fritz Lang and Aldous Huxley depict utopian societies where upper castes â€Å"are happy; they get what they want, and they never want what they can’t get† (Huxley 2006: 220). Each of these â€Å"ideal† societies has established some level of social control. In fact, in Brave New World â€Å"people were ready to have even their appetites controlled† (Huxley 2006: 228). These civilizations rely on and thrive because of the lower working class, â€Å"Standard men and women; in uniform batches† (Huxley 2006: 7). Through the comparison of these pieces, it is evident that Lang and Huxley are criticizing/commenting on the fact that for a society to maintain social†¦show more content†¦They stand at grueling machines all day, feeding the machines with their life force. Their jobs are imperative, as can be observed in the explosion scene where the ma n fails to complete his task, resulting in mechanical failure and the maiming of several workers. The city relies on the workers to provide them with power and probably many other vital aspects of the city’s infrastructure. Though these lesser members of each society are easily replaceable, like cogs in a machine, without them, the whole thing comes crashing down. Some may argue whether a lesser class is necessary or if every member of society could exist as equals. Huxley takes time to express his thoughts on this through the voice of the world controller. Mustapha Mond discusses an experimental island comprised entirely of Alphas. Most â€Å"lesser jobs† were left unfulfilled. â€Å"Low-grade work[ers] were perpetually intriguing for high-grade jobs, and all the people with high-grade jobs were counter-intriguing to stay where they were† (Huxley 2006: 223). Huxley is arguing that with no lower-class workers to do the grunt work, the laborious but necessary job s will go undone. A class of equals cannot thrive because they will all equally pursue the more prestigious work and neglect the keys to survival. Due to these lower classes being so crucial, the administrators in both Lang’s and Huxley’s pieces have implementedShow MoreRelatedThe Caged Bird : Microscopic And Macroscopic Perspectives Of Oppression1636 Words   |  7 PagesMacroscopic Perspectives of Oppression Alison Arberg Virginia Commonwealth University â€Æ' Abstract Oppression exists at varying levels and the way in which we choose to view it can have a significant impact on our ability to break down the barriers that continue to oppress disenfranchised groups. 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Regimes of truth have an immensely strong base that stems from scienceRead MoreMarxism And Socialism Essay1429 Words   |  6 PagesCommunist Manifesto states, â€Å"The first step in the revolution by the working class, is to raise the proletariat to the position of ruling class, to win the battle of democracy† (1888:32). Marx predicted that once proletariats had seized power, the state would abolish capitalism through collective ownership, taking economic control away from the free market and subsequently liberating society from alienation and oppression. This would give rise to a socialist society of equality, ultimately leadingRead MoreEssay on A Male Dominated Society During the 19th Century952 Words   |  4 Pageswhich a human could feel lonely, empty, confounded and miserable. In this time period, women’s role in society was to be simply mothers and wives. A world where women had rights, control, and power was a fantasy. 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They believe that the family is symmetrical and both husband and wife have joint conjugal roles, which makes the family a functional institution. However, the radical feminist, Anne Oakley, points out that the fact that they say ‘helps their wife’ implies that the primary responsibility is still the wife’s. Oakley also points out that the creation of the housewife role is a social c onstruction and is not inevitably linked to the female role. This housewife role ensuresRead MoreDiscrimination And Judgement Based On Their Gender, Class, And Race937 Words   |  4 Pageswomen still have to face discrimination and judgement based on their gender, class, and race. This population clearly reflects the gaps and limitations of primary health care services today. Adelson (2005) reflects on this circumstance as a absence of control of a comprehensive health care program where there is acceptable conduct of resources that can diminish the bureaucratic unbalance. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Dieting free essay sample

During this weeks lecture and reading, we learned about weight management. We learned that most people who diet do so for cosmetic reason and not to help themselves live healthy lifestyles. Being skinny or in shape is something that everyone would like to be, but there is a healthy and unhealthy ways to loose weight. You have to be careful when your dieting and make sure you are loosing weight or dieting the healthy way. The reading talked about the HAES model which I agree is a great method over the BMI method. BMI does not give an accurate estimate of body fat. It also  does not account for stage of growth, bone density, or body type. BMI was devised to compare norms in different groups, and should never be used to calculate the ideal weight for an individual. The reading tells us that, â€Å"HAES model tries to untangle the effects of weight stereotyping. We will write a custom essay sample on Dieting or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It asks us all to focus on the day-to-day self-nurturing behaviors that result in physical and mental health improvements, and to challenge the pursuit of weight loss so that our bodies can settle at the weight they do when we are living in a healthy way. HAES is weight- neutral. † HAES asks a anorexic or obese person to allow their bodies to find their healthy weight, just as they would tell an â€Å"average weight† person to do. HAES is not stereotypical it’s intention is to help every be healthy, rather than measure BMI and tell you off a chat your too skinny, to fat, or just right. HAES enhances healthy behavior. They support you whether your weight stays the same, goes up, or goes down. The goal is to love yourself and loving yourself includes loving your body. It is important that we as college students make sure we are engaging in healthy lifestyles. There are so many obstacles that get in our way. Our mental models tell use that skinny people are happy, while on the other hand fat people are miserable. This could lead us to excessively working out or even forming eating disorders just so we look skinny and seem happy. Not all skinny people are happy and not all fat people are unhappy. Between the negative ad’s we have constantly embedded in our subconscious and the preconceived notions society molds us to believe we behave accordingly. Everyone should strive to be healthy whether your fat or skinny should not play a part. I know plenty of big boned girls that are happy with the way their body look and wouldn’t change it for the world, but some of them still strive to live healthy lifestyles. Health is the overall achievement. Even if you are bigger, skinner, or some where else on the spectrum striving to live healthier you are taking a step in the right direction. If you do not diet properly and handle your health with care can lead yourself down the wrong path. Bad dieting can lead to eating disorders or even worst gaining weight. If I learned nothing else from this weeks lesson, I learned that the key to weight management is exercise and eating healthy. Diet pills, crash dieting, laxatives, or any other way that I did not mention that is unhealthy. Diet because you want to be healthy not because you want to look good for someone else.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

 The characters present situation/The characters conflicts (internal vs. external) Essay Example For Students

  The characters present situation/The characters conflicts (internal vs. external) Essay The stage directions (represented here in italics) play the largest role in representing the house and delivering the situations of the characters but as an undertone, via the state of the house/setting, and the certain parts of the house which are revealed. Likewise, the introduction to the first act also embodies a large part of the symbol as the introductions to the subsequent acts will always be compared to it, in order to pinch out elements of the transition and determine what Lorca aims to portray from the transition. I. Colour/introductions to respective acts The diction Lorca employs successfully delivers the mood and atmosphere of the settings of all three scenes. Act I starts the text off, set in A very white room. The word very to start with connotes the sense of purity, cleanliness. In Act II the room/setting turns from very white into white, which succeeds in revealing that some of the purity has been washed away with the whiteness of the walls, and becomes only semi-pure, which stands for the situation as a whole. The second act also shows doors that lead to bedrooms, which has a slightly sexual/intimate undercurrent. These both have to do with two characters in particular: Martirio and Adela. In Act III instead of a white room the subjects are stuck within four white walls, of which are lightly washed in blue. Lorca employs the phrase four walls instead of just introducing a room to show a typical confinement and eventually the weariness of the place. Also, the walls are lightly washed in blue which connotes the sense of change in season, as though winter had been approaching. Apart from this it also sends out a shudder owing to the kinesthetic imagery employed. In addition, the doorways are illuminated by the lights inside the rooms. These rooms consist of all five sisters; the faint, low glow on the doorway from the lights inside the sisters rooms would represent the underlying tones of secrecy. It also gives a tenuous glow to the stage. Lorca employs the word tenuous here so as to represent the caution of the secret of Adela seeing Pepe being let out. II. Doors The several doors that Lorca does mention may also even take a figurative sense. It may represent both opportunities and being trapped, in a way that either the more doors there are the more opportunities the girls might meet; or the more doors the more trapped the girls will be. Constantly the girls go in and out different doors. II. Decorations Pictures of unlikely landscapes full of nymphs or legendary kings are introduced in Act I. This element signifies real fantasies and real hopes of being far away, which is emphasized by many characters, such as Poncia, Adela and Maria Josefa, throughout the three acts. The fact that Lorca uses the word unlikely to describe the pictures brings us back down to earth/reality, in which we would recognize that nymphs and legendary kings are part of myths and are most unrealistic. However, what Lorca aims to convey is simply that the outside of the house is already considered an outside world, and is simply unattainable. III. Maria Josefa She personifies the contradiction to the beliefs of the house. This inconsistency with the beliefs of the house of Bernarda Alba itself is represented by her physical separation from the rest of the characters and the house. The audience knows that she is locked up in special confinement but do not know where; she is not locked up in just a roomit is almost a chamber. In addition, she is first introduced as VOICE in the start of Act I and only within. The kind of introduction given to her as a character echoes its significance throughout the text. Maria Josefa is almost entirely a metaphor. She represents the true desires of the five girls, the voices in the back of their heads, the freedom that they want from the home. Like her, these hopes, even, have to be locked up and away as Bernarda Alba would hear nothing of it. Ultimately, her physical segregation from the rest of the house not only stands for itself but also the minds of the girls, which makes it an important symbol to note . .u49fae6994c8a44a5d4e767552779eedf , .u49fae6994c8a44a5d4e767552779eedf .postImageUrl , .u49fae6994c8a44a5d4e767552779eedf .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u49fae6994c8a44a5d4e767552779eedf , .u49fae6994c8a44a5d4e767552779eedf:hover , .u49fae6994c8a44a5d4e767552779eedf:visited , .u49fae6994c8a44a5d4e767552779eedf:active { border:0!important; } .u49fae6994c8a44a5d4e767552779eedf .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u49fae6994c8a44a5d4e767552779eedf { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u49fae6994c8a44a5d4e767552779eedf:active , .u49fae6994c8a44a5d4e767552779eedf:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u49fae6994c8a44a5d4e767552779eedf .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u49fae6994c8a44a5d4e767552779eedf .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u49fae6994c8a44a5d4e767552779eedf .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u49fae6994c8a44a5d4e767552779eedf .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u49fae6994c8a44a5d4e767552779eedf:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u49fae6994c8a44a5d4e767552779eedf .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u49fae6994c8a44a5d4e767552779eedf .u49fae6994c8a44a5d4e767552779eedf-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u49fae6994c8a44a5d4e767552779eedf:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Stereotypical kind EssayIV. Other subcomponents Windows: the girls are only allowed to talk to boys through the windows of their bedrooms. The patio: is where the men would gather. almost like a voice in the back of their heads brings us back down I found that when Lorca uses the word doors, if taken in a figurative sense, may represent both opportunities, and on the other hand, being trapped. More doors = faster you are in finding a way out but in a sense more doors can also = the more trapped, there will always be a door ahead. leading illuminated faint, low glow, secrets are coming to surface but are not revealed.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Have You Ever Seen Anything In Your Life That Just Seemed To Good To B

Have you ever seen anything in your life that just seemed to good to be true? Have you ever saw something at a restaurant menu that looked like "a double dose of all that" but it turned out to be "toe up from the floe up". The point that I am trying to reach is that western expansion was not good for America. The reason why I say this is because a lot of people got caught up in the western myth. The western myth is a belief that all will profit, all would be equal, and all will be free. Hays Jackson states that "Chinese immigrants started arriving in the United States around the late 1840s and early 1850s." In his article Paper Sons, he states "for many Chinese, however the United States was the Mountain of Gold". Basically Chinese immigrants came looking for a better life but what they found themselves taken advantage of, discrimination, hatred, and abuse. One of the ways that they legally got discriminated was the Exclusion Acts. The Exclusion Acts were laws saying those of Chinese descent were not welcome in to the United States unless you were educated a merchant or a son of a US citizen. Mariano Vallejo is just one of the many people who got caught into the Western Myth. To make a long story short, Vallejo was this man who owned a lot of land and property. After the gold rush he had nothing. How did he lose it all? The same way the Native Americans did. Land hungry settlers came upon his lands like roaches come to a dirty kitchen and Mariano Vallejo was raid-less. Mr. Vallejo life represents the life of many Mexican and Mexican Americans. Even though Mexican and Mexican Americans accepted the settlers, their new country treated them like foreigners. By the end of the 1800s the Mexican and Mexican American found themselves a minority with little or no power and occupying the lowest rungs of the economic ladder. The author Scott Minerbook says that "Blacks viewed the west as a land of promise both economically and racially even though most came to the west as slaves". In the story The Forgotten Pioneers the Author talks about how Black towns were suppose to be set up. Minorbook says " Among the most prominent all black towns was Nicodemus Kan., established in1877 by a White speculator and his Black partner. As was often the case during the settling of west , Black pioneers were promised fertile fields abundant water shady trees and plenty of game by the alluring avartisement . Instead arriving Blacks found that the best farmlands surrounding the city had already been taken by whites. There were no trees and the game was scarce." In other words Whites said "Hmmm we already have the nice land for ourselves lets give the not so nice area to the Blacks. We can tell them the land is just like ours and make a profit!"Also the Article says "Nicodemus lost a competition for a railroad statio n that would have tied it into the larger regional economy and went into an economical decline. But the Legacy of racism played a role; Jim Crow laws barred Blacks from voting and hampers Black laborers. Four Black people were lynched in a town in Oklahoma in 1910" Just another example of the western myth. All was not free all was not rich and all was not equal. Western expansion was not good for America. On the good side you had more land more money and who doesn't want that. One the bad side you had racism, discrimination hatred and distrust. But to get this land and wealth, was it necessary to steal it from Native, Mexican, Native Americans and Mexican Americans? Was it necessary to make laws to keep other people from getting their share of the pie? Have You Ever Seen Anything In Your Life That Just Seemed To Good To B Have you ever seen anything in your life that just seemed to good to be true? Have you ever saw something at a restaurant menu that looked like "a double dose of all that" but it turned out to be "toe up from the floe up". The point that I am trying to reach is that western expansion was not good for America. The reason why I say this is because a lot of people got caught up in the western myth. The western myth is a belief that all will profit, all would be equal, and all will be free. Hays Jackson states that "Chinese immigrants started arriving in the United States around the late 1840s and early 1850s." In his article Paper Sons, he states "for many Chinese, however the United States was the Mountain of Gold". Basically Chinese immigrants came looking for a better life but what they found themselves taken advantage of, discrimination, hatred, and abuse. One of the ways that they legally got discriminated was the Exclusion Acts. The Exclusion Acts were laws saying those of Chinese descent were not welcome in to the United States unless you were educated a merchant or a son of a US citizen. Mariano Vallejo is just one of the many people who got caught into the Western Myth. To make a long story short, Vallejo was this man who owned a lot of land and property. After the gold rush he had nothing. How did he lose it all? The same way the Native Americans did. Land hungry settlers came upon his lands like roaches come to a dirty kitchen and Mariano Vallejo was raid-less. Mr. Vallejo life represents the life of many Mexican and Mexican Americans. Even though Mexican and Mexican Americans accepted the settlers, their new country treated them like foreigners. By the end of the 1800s the Mexican and Mexican American found themselves a minority with little or no power and occupying the lowest rungs of the economic ladder. The author Scott Minerbook says that "Blacks viewed the west as a land of promise both economically and racially even though most came to the west as slaves". In the story The Forgotten Pioneers the Author talks about how Black towns were suppose to be set up. Minorbook says " Among the most prominent all black towns was Nicodemus Kan., established in1877 by a White speculator and his Black partner. As was often the case during the settling of west , Black pioneers were promised fertile fields abundant water shady trees and plenty of game by the alluring avartisement . Instead arriving Blacks found that the best farmlands surrounding the city had already been taken by whites. There were no trees and the game was scarce." In other words Whites said "Hmmm we already have the nice land for ourselves lets give the not so nice area to the Blacks. We can tell them the land is just like ours and make a profit!"Also the Article says "Nicodemus lost a competition for a railroad statio n that would have tied it into the larger regional economy and went into an economical decline. But the Legacy of racism played a role; Jim Crow laws barred Blacks from voting and hampers Black laborers. Four Black people were lynched in a town in Oklahoma in 1910" Just another example of the western myth. All was not free all was not rich and all was not equal. Western expansion was not good for America. On the good side you had more land more money and who doesn't want that. One the bad side you had racism, discrimination hatred and distrust. But to get this land and wealth, was it necessary to steal it from Native, Mexican, Native Americans and Mexican Americans? Was it necessary to make laws to keep other people from getting their share of the pie?

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Marketing Plan Lush Cosmetics Essays

Marketing Plan Lush Cosmetics Essays Marketing Plan Lush Cosmetics Paper Marketing Plan Lush Cosmetics Paper This marketing plan will introduce the steps which will help to take Lush cosmetics forward in the year July 2010 to June 2011. The plan will analyse Lush cosmetics current situation (internal and external threats, suppliers and customers attitude and Lush’s main competitors). The plan will then introduce a year’s tactical decisions which will take Lush cosmetics forward. 2. 2. Lush cosmetics history Lush cosmetics produces handmade cosmetics using organic fruits and vegetables, essential oils and safe-synthetic ingredients in all their products. They are against the use of animal fat in their products; In addition to that they are also against animal testing and perform tests solely with volunteers (people). In 1994 the founders Mark and Mo Constantine opened their first Lush store in Poole in the UK where the companys headquarters is today. Today Lush has now more than 600 stores in 43 countries and has targeted 1000 stores in the future. Lush cosmetics produces and sells a variety of handmade products, including face masks, soaps, bath bombs, bubble bars, hand and body lotions and hair treatments. 2. 3. Purpose of the Marketing Plan This marketing plan is to help Lush cosmetics to increase sales, revenue, profit and increase customer awareness in the coming year. This will be done by improving on the sales and marketing tactics on the existing products. 1. 4. Lush Cosmetics Mission Statement Lush cosmetics produce handmade cosmetics using organic fruits and vegetable, essential oil and natural ingredients. Lush cosmetic is strongly against animal testing and uses volunteers for their products testing and do not trade with companies that test on animals. Lush do not package its products and if they have to then only in recyclable packages. Lush do not spend money on adverts or pay famous people to advertise their products. The only adverting Lush does is mailing the Lush Times (their own news papers) to customers and give out to shoppers, all the people in the lush Times are employees and customers. Also Lush has cut off intermediates and trade direct with its suppliers to offer them the best price and have also form partnership with some suppliers to supports the environment. Lush supports campaigns such as environmental issues, conservation of the natural world, animal welfare and human rights and spend about 2% of its profit on supporting charities. 1. 5. Lush Cosmetics Market Lush is trading in the cosmetics market and offers its customers organic and handmade quality products with no added scientific chemicals and none of the ingredients is tested on animals. Lush products are popularly known for its strong smell, freshness and its unique shapes and forms like cheese, cake or jelly. Lush cosmetics believe in equal opportunity for all and therefore employ anyone regardless of the cultural background, Lush trades only with suppliers who do not test products on animals and trade with main suppliers to cut off any intermediary. Lush cosmetics do not have a specific customer base they sell to anyone but most of their customers tend to be young age females. Lush cosmetics is an ethical company, the company’s philosophy is to protect the environment therefore all their products are not packaged if any the recyclable package is use. Lush also campaign against air pollution and therefore aim to air-freight less than 5% of its raw materials. It has also advised its entire staff not to take any UK mainland domestic flight when on business trips. Lush saves energy by using solar panels to heat water, doing Carbon Trust energy survey to reduce energy consumption and replacing its old machines with more energy efficient ones. 1. Situational Analysis 2. 1. Current Products Analysis Lush cosmetics current products are bathing soaps and shampoos, shower gels, jellies and scrubs, facial and body skincare, haircare, fragrances and spa. 2. 2. Product Description All Lush products are handmade using natural ingredients such as cocoa, Shea butter, and natural preservatives. 2. 3. Current Pricing Lush cosmetics is using a price skimming strategy to price their products. This strategy means the products prices are set high compared to their competitors. This strategy allows them to recover their sunk cost quickly before competitors bring similar products on the market. . 4. Current products prices The bath emotibombs, bath ballistics, bath malts, soaps and shower jelly products are in the price range from ? 1. 90 to ? 5. 00 per/100g. The shower gels, shower smoothies prices are between ? 5. 50 to ? 15. 00 per/250g. The skin and hair care products are sold in the price range of ? 5. 00 to ? 15. 00 per/100g. The solid fragrance price is between ? 4. 95 to ? 6. 25 per/10g. The karma and vanillary atomiser are sold between ? 21. 95 to ? 25. 95 per/30g and the other karma and vanillary products are sold between ? 2. 95 to ? 1. 25 per/100g. 2. 6. Current distribution Lush products are sold only in Lush shops and can also be ordered online (Lush website). 2. 7. Current promotion Lush cosmetics products are advertised only in Lush magazine (The Lush Times), online (Lush website) and display in show case in Lush shops. 2. Current Target Market Analysis 3. 1. Target Market approach Lush cosmetics uses a form of viral marketing or viral advertising to reach its target customers. This is made by people who have experienced their products and then spread it by word of month. They have also joined social networks such as facebook and messages are spread very quickly on such networks. Lush also have customer forum where people join to share their experience with products with one another. Lush have shops across cities and high streets, therefore the strong smell attracts many shoppers into the shop. Lush also produce a Lush Times which is mailed to registered members and also available to pick in shop for free. This strategy is to keep regular customers up to date of the new products and also give window shoppers something to remind them of Lush. Lush cosmetics have targeted a niche market producing high quality cosmetics with natural ingredients for all target groups who wants to spend a bit more for their well being. Lush cosmetics have also targeted the gift market where it have very high sales in occasions such as Valentine’s Day and Christmas where everyone want something extraordinary for their love ones. Lush have the strategic advantage over it competitors of being different compared to its competitors (being handmade, having unique shapes, batch produce, strong smell, natural and ethical). (see Porters Generic strategies). 3. 2. Porter’s Generic Strategies StrategicTarget| Strategic Advantage| | | Uniqueness perceived by customers| Low cost position| | Industry wide| DIFFERENTIATIONLushBody shop| OVERALL COST LEADERSHIP L ’real, Max factor, | | Segment only| FOCUSNo. 7, Fashion fair, Bobbi brown,| 3. 3. Demographic profile Although Lush cosmetics products are not the cheapest on the market, the customers base range from all age group, different social backgrounds, gender and all income classes. This is because of the quality, uniqueness and natural ingredients that attribute to their products. 3. 4. Target Customers Lush products are used in everyday life, Lush targets all and sundry. Lush also targets those who shop on special occasions such as Christmas or Valentine’s Day because of the unique shape, design and smell of the products. Lush products are rated as premium and quality products in the cosmetics market (see product position map). 3. 8. Product Position map Premium Price Body Shop LushNo. 7 QualityStandard L’Oreal Boots amp; ASDA St. Ives (99p Shop) Own Brand Low Price 3. 9. Customer Attitude Many customers associate Lush products with teenagers and middle age women and many with the perception of being too expensive. Most customers attitude towards Lush change after they use the product. Customers who are familiar with Lush products regard the products as value for money because Lush uses natural ingredient. A number of their customers also buy from them because they support their campaigns such as against animal testing, Fair Trade and charity supports. Loyal Lush customers purchase through the usual channels that is online or at the shop. They also receive a regular update on new products (Lush Times). Other customers purchases on occasions such as Christmas and Valentine’s Day as gifts for family and friends. There are also customers who walk in due to the locations of the shops (on high streets) or the strong smell of the products drives them in. Lush does not have a big customer base compared to most of its competitors such us L’Oreal, but Lush’s regular customers have associated with Lush not the brand but quality and value for money. (see table below) 3. 10. 1. Customer satisfaction Satisfaction with various beauty retail brands, December 2009 Base: All internet users aged 18+ who have ever visited the brand 3. 10. Purchasing process Lush cosmetic has a criterion a supplier has to have before they will trade with the supplier. Anyone who wants to trade with Lush must not test its products on animals. Lush travel direct to its suppliers to see the conditions the suppliers are living under. It has also form partnerships with most of its raw material suppliers in countries such as Africa and Asia to support those farmers and pay them fair prices for their products, through this they can control them and stop the environment from destroying. Lush cosmetic trade with the suppliers direct, Lush does not use any intermediary when purchasing raw material, this is to ensure suppliers get a fair price for their products and also support these suppliers. Lush is very selective about its supply network, they do not trade with distributors who test products on animals. 3. 11. Market size and Forecast Due to the recession there has been a decline in consumer confidence in the cosmetics market which has led to a fall of about 7% in sales in the first quarter of 2009. That said, there is some anticipation that the sector will recover in the near future (see table below). 3. 8. 1 Size and Forecast Beauty Retailing UK January 2010 Sector Size and Forecast| | UK: Health and beauty retailers’ sales, 2008-14| | 2008| 2009 (e)| 2010 (f)| 2011 (f)| 2012 (f)| 2013 (f)| 2014 (f)| |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | | Health amp; beauty specialists (? bn)| 4. 14| 3. 85| 3. 95| 4. 07| 4. 2| 4. 33| 4. 45| |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | | All retailers (? bn)| 254. 7| 260| 264. 5| 270. 2| 276. 5| 283. 2| 289. 9| |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | | Health amp; beauty as % of all retail sales| 1 . 63| 1. 48| 1. 49| 1. 51| 1. 52| 1. 53| 1. 54| | (excl. sales tax, at current prices)|   |   |   |   |   |   |   | | NB: excludes Boots the Chemists and NHS receipts through all pharmacies| | Source: National Statistics/Mintel|   | . 12. Beauty retailers` prospects There are some observations made in relation to the forecast period in the whole beauty retailing. * Supermarkets such as Boots and Superdrug have established a stronger presence in cosmetics market and they will continue to challenge on price. * It could prove difficult to coax some consumers out of their habit of never paying full price on their products. Some cosmetics retailers such as Lush will therefore have to work even harder to convince shoppers that ‘they are worth it’, if they are to break out of this discounting cycle. However, niche operators like Lush could start to benefit from trading later in the forecast period as consumer confidence picks up. * The over 65s tend to be more conservative and more sceptical consumers of beauty products. In some ways they have been one of the few ‘minority’ groups that have escaped the protection of political correctness. They have been overlooked for too long and it will be age-relevant rather than anti-ageing products that present the biggest opportunity for wooing these consumers. * There is also expectation to see more niche internet pure players gaining attraction over the next five years. This includes those specialising in male grooming, because the anonymity factor and online experience both appeal strongly to men in this market. 3. Current Competitors Analyses 4. 1. Competition in the cosmetics market is very strong. Competitors such as Boots who bring similar products as Lush on the market for lower price makes it more competitive. Lush’s’ main competitor Body Shop is also seen in the same price category therefore the threat is not that high. (see Lush competitors in the table below) 4. 1. 1. Lush Competitor Beauty Retailing UK January 2010 Retail Competitor Analysis| UK: Leading beauty specialists, 2008/09| Retailer | Operations| No. of outlets| Sales (? m excl. sales tax)| Notes| Profiles| Alliance Boots| Pharmacy/health amp; beauty| 2,591| 6,343|   | P| AS Watson Europe (Hutchison Whampoa/Hong Kong)| Drugstores/ perfumeries| 1,316| 1,400|   | P| Superdrug| Drugstores/in-store pharmacies| 915| 1,075|   |   | Savers Health amp; Beauty| Drugstores| 234| 161|   |   | The Perfume Shop| Perfumeries| 167| 164| (a)|   | |   |   |   |   |   | The Body Shop| Beauty| 338| 173| (e)| P|   |   |   |   |   | Bodycare Health amp; Beauty| Drugstores| 60| 57|   |   | The Fragrance Shop| Perfumeries| 103| 45| (d)|   | Space NK| Beauty| 63| 44|   | P| Lush| Beauty| 87| 42|   | P| Effective Cosmetics| Beauty| 10| 35| (b)|   | Molton Brown| Beauty| 43| 33|   | P| Crabtree amp; Evelyn| Beauty| 43| 26| (c)|   | L’Occitane (France)| Beauty| 40| 19| ( g)|   | Penhaligons| Perfumeries| 14| 8| (h)|   | (a) Store numbers includes Ireland. (b) Previously known as Virgin Cosmetics. Sales estimated. (c) Store numbers estimated. (d) 2007/08 data. (g) 2007/08 data. Includes concessions. h) Standalone stores as at December 2009. P = Profile included in this report| Source: Company Accounts and Annual Reports/Mintel| 4. 2. Competitive advantage Lush cosmetics has the advantage of being handmade and fresh, all the ingredients are natural with no added chemicals and all the products are tested on human not on animal. Lush products are classified as quality, vegan and environmental friendly. 4. External forces Analyses 5. 1. Environmental factors * Political: Political issues that can affect Lush cosmetics can be â€Å"political unstableness† in countries where Lush gets its raw materials from. Political unstableness such as civil war can lead to stop or delay in delivering raw material. * Environmental: Lush spends about 2% of its profit in charities which campaign on environmental issues. Many people shop at Lush because they care about the environment. Lush have to continue with its believes to keep these customers. * Social: Many elderly people have the perception of Lush being for young age and middle age women and also lot of men have the perception that it is only women who visits Lush shops. Lush has to try and change this perception of people. Technological: Everything is made by hand, Lush do not depend too much on technology. When the business changes into mass production in the future it needs some technology to speed up production. * Economical: The recession has also affected Lush economically because consumers do not have much money at their disposal, therefore consumers turn to cheaper substitute product. * Legal: Since Lush’s main suppliers are outsi de the country, there are some foreign regulations that Lush has to oblige to when buying raw material from abroad. Also Lush has to oblige to rules and regulations when bringing raw materials into UK. 5. Summary SWOT Positive| Negative| Internal| External| StrengthsHigh street shopsNatural ingredientsUnique selling pointNot many direct competitorsValue for moneyNatural ingredients| WeaknessLack of advertisingHigh cost in raw materialsSelective in suppliers| OpportunitiesInnovation to engage customersSupporting known charity eventsGrowing own raw materials| ThreatsIncrease in competitorsPremium price, New entriesEconomical down turnImitations of Lush products| 6. Marketing strategy and Objectives 7. 1. Marketing strategy The marketing strategy that Lush cosmetic uses is the uniqueness of its products, the natural ingredients and the testing procedures. This has given Lush a sustainable competitive advantage in the market. 7. 2. Financial objectives The financial objective for Lush cosmetics is to increase in revenue and sales, to reduce production cost and to increase the number of shops globally. 7. 3. Marketing objective The marketing objective is to increase the customer awareness, increase the market share, to develop new products, to enter into new market segments and protect the environment. . 4. Identifying Lush marketing strategy Ansoff Markets| Products| | Existing| Market PenetrationThrough: Viral marketing, Lush Times, Lush Forum, Lush website, social networks| Product DevelopmentThrough: New products (perfumes, Spa), Product extension (new product design, new smells) | | New| Market DevelopmentDeveloping new segments (Perfumes, Spas), Overseas markets| DiversificationRe lated diversification (Spa)| 7. Determine Marketing Objectives For the next year the marketing objective for Lush cosmetics will be the same but we will aim to improve it. Also the aim will be introducing new segments such as air fresheners self made soaps and making selected segments available in selected shops. 8. Marketing strategy The marketing strategy that will be used to take Lush cosmetic forward next year is: * Market Penetration: This will be done by improving the way Lush advertises to gain more customers from its competitors. * Market Development: This will be done by advertising the perfume and spa segments more effective. Also making the perfume segment available in selected departmental store such as House of Fraser, John Lewis or Selfridges) and increasing the national and international store outlets. * Product Development: This will be done by innovating new products such as Air Fresheners and Self made soaps (customers can select the flavours and ingredients they want and the soap will be done for them). * Diversification: This will be done by taking the spa segment also out of the shops by opening spas where only Lush products will be used. 9. Tactical Marketing Programs This section of the marketing plan is going to give clear details how the plan will be carried out. This section will give detailed and tactical decisions that will be carried out in areas like product, price, place and promotions that will help Lush cosmetics to achieve its goals for next year. 11. 1. Target Market The target market will remain the same (see current target market analyses). 11. 2. Product Lush cosmetic currently produce bath, shower, skincare, and hair care products. It also produces perfumes and has a Lush spa which exists only in Lush shops. Lush products have no packaging and if any, then only recyclable packaging. Lush products do not have any labels because of the package free nature of the products. The tactic that will be taken will be to introducing new products such as self made soaps and air fresheners to attract more customers and also improving on existing products. * Customised soaps: This will attracts more customers because they can select their own fragrances. * Air fresheners: Lush is known for its strong smell, bringing products such as air freshener will sell very well because the business already has that image. Lush Spa: Lush spa outlet at the moment is only in Lush shops, the plan is to take Lush Spa out of the shop. They are investing in a new spa facility which is expensive, the alternative plan is to form partnership or rent a space in selected existing spa where only Lush products will be used or sold. This will increase sales and the brand will become more popular. This will also have effect on t he overall sales of Lush. 11. 3. Promotion Currently, Lush only forms of advertisement are through the Lush Times, Lush forums, social websites and viral marketing (regular customers telling other people about their experience). Since Lush does not spend money on mass media advertising, the plan will be to improve the existing methods and make it more effective. * Lush Times: Currently, Lush Times is only for pick up in shops and mail to registered members. The plan is to handout the Lush Times outside the shops by having someone stand outside the shops at least for an hour a day to give them out to passer bys, and also collect their personal information for mailing special offers. * Lush Forum: The Lush forum is at the bottom of the Lush website where is very difficult to find. The plan is to improve the forum by making it interesting by writing regular visitors comments in the Lush Times and reposition of the forum on the wide by bringing it on the top bar. * Social Networks: Lush has joined many social networks such as face book. The plan is to join more social networks and instead of the people searching to invite Lush, Lush will search for people to join them. Also the social network sites will be improved by making it similar as the website with new products and regular updates. * Viral Marketing: â€Å"The 5 for 5 Plan†. This plan is to give a product up to ? 5. 0 pounds to customers who introduce 5 new customers within a period of 3 months and spend in average up to ? 50. 00 pounds. * Charity Event: The plan is to sponsor more charity events where Lush can display banners to create more awareness. 11. 4. Place The distribution channels that Lush uses at the moment are only direct sales. Lush products are sold only in Lush shops and online on t he Lush website. The plan is to improve the direct sales mechanism and also go into indirect sales using strategic advantage (segment only / focus strategy). This will increase the competitive advantage of Lush. 1. 4. 1 Direct sales * Franchising: During the year the plan will be to go into franchising, this is mainly giving other investors the right to sell Lush products. In this case the investor owns the shop, but Lush controls the way the product should be sold and marketed and determines the standard of the business. Lush will receive an initial fee from the investor and an on – going management fee. * Internet: Although there is an online shop, the plan will focus more on online advertising by registering with more social networks and sending regular business up-date to members. Also the customised soaps will be available online where customers can select the different smells (such as vanilla, lemon, cherry) and shapes they want online and this will be sent to them. This will raise more awareness and therefore increase sales. * Shop: The hand out of the Lush Times outside the shop which will be introduced this year will create more awareness and through that sales will increase. * Geographic: This year’s plan will be to open more shop outlets in towns and countries where there are no Lush shops. Selective Retailers: The idea is to rent a space in departmental stores like House of Fraser and Debenhams and display the Lush products with Lush own employee and check out. This same method will also apply to the Lush Spa where a space in selective spa or fitness clubs will be rented to sell Lush products with Lush employee and check out independently from the spa or fitness club. 11. 4. 2. Indirect sales * Selective Retailers: This year’s plan is to select products that have packages and can easily be bar coded (because is the first time only try ith perfumes) available in selected departmental shops such as Selfridges and House of Fraser and perfumeries like Douglas. * Spa: Lush products will be sold to selective spas that will buy from Lush for discounted price and sell it as the original Lush shop price. 11. 5. Price The price of the products will remain the same across country i. e. in the UK all Lush product prices will be the same no matter where it sold either in Lush shop or departmental store. There will be no changes in price because Lush wants to maintain the image of being premium and quality and ethical. All the indirect sellers will receive a commission on the number of products they sell. 11. 5. 1. Online prices The online price will be the same as the shop prices, there will be only additional postage cost added to the products which will depend on total weight package. 11. 5. 2. Indirect sales prices All the indirect sellers will receive a commission or a discount on number of products they sell or buy. The commission or discount will be 30% of Lush profit made on the product. The high commission will attract more indirect sellers and as the indirect increases the percentage can change next year. (see new price list below) 1. 5. 3. New price list Products| Seize (g)| Direct sales price from (? )| Online price from (? )| Indirect sales Retailers (? )| Indirect sales Spas/Fitness clubs (? )| Bath soaps/ shampoos| 100| 1. 90–5. 00| 1. 90-5. 00 +postage| | 1. 90–5. 00 -30%| Shower gels| 250| 5. 50–15. 00| 5. 50–15. 00 + postage| | 5. 50–15. 00 -30%| Solid fragrances| 10| 4. 95–6. 25| 4. 95–6. 25 + postage| | 4. 95–6. 25-30%| Perfumes| 30| 21. 95-25. 95| 21. 95-25. 95 + postage| 21. 95- 25. 95 -40% | 21. 95- 25. 95 -30%| Self made soap| 100| 1. 90-5. 00| 1. 90-5. 00 + postage| | 1. 90-5. 00 -30% | Spa Full body massage| 2hrs| 125. 0| | | | 12. Cost The financial implications will be the money needed to acquire new shop outlets and to open spa studios. There will be also money needed to pay the departmental stores and a percentage of Lush’s profit will go to the indirect sellers. 13. Advantage The advantage of this marketing plan is Lush is going to generate extra revenue through franchising. Also there will be no additional cost, all shops and online employees will remain the same and carry out duties such as collecting personal details and handing out Lush Times, e-mailing information and updating social networks websites. 4. Implementation The implementation of the plan will be monitored by a timeline which will start from July 2010 to June 2011. The timeline will show when each decision made or duty will begin. This timeline will support the plan and guide the implementation throughout the project so that the goal can be achieve by June 2011. (see timeline) 15. Control The marketing plan will be assessed every 3 month s till the end of June 2011 to make sure the marketing plan is effective and providing the promised result as stated in the plan. The control will be done by comparing previous year’s figures (customer base, sales figures, and customer feedback) to the current figures. * Customer base: This will compare the number of current strategic customers to the number of customers at the end of June if the number of customers have increased or not. This will prove if the promotion strategy was effective or not. * Sales / Revenue: At the end of June the sales and revenue figures will be compared with the previous year figures. This will show the effectiveness of this marketing plan, i. e. f customers trust the product they will still buy it, regardless of their economical status. * Customer feedback: At the end of June the business will collect customer feedback from its strategic customers to find out if they like the changes and the new direction of the business. 16. Evaluation My evaluation of this marketing plan will tackle all possible gaps which appear to be in areas such as promotion, place and product. The plan will improve Lush’s advertisement, will increase Lush’s sales outlets and have indirect sellers who will be paid on commission basis. It will also introduce customised products which will attract more customers. This plan is not going to accrue much cost to Lush, the money that Lush will invest in the additional outlets will assets to the business. This plan will be very effective because it will directly or indirectly improve on Lush’s cosmetics existing marketing strategy which needs some attention, this one year marketing plan will definitely take Lush cosmetics forward. References Live hearing from Lush marketing director Lush. co. uk Lush Times Keynote. com Mintel. com Module handouts

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How situational leadership can help raise your organisation's Essay

How situational leadership can help raise your organisation's performance - Essay Example Over the period of time, there have been different attempts to define leadership and its overall impact on the organization. There has been extensive research on understanding the relationship between the organizational performance as well as the style of leadership. Different authors have attempted to link specific leadership styles with the way an organization performs when a particular set of leadership style is in place. Situational leadership is one such concept outlining that there is no single best concept or style of leadership. The best leadership therefore is task related and therefore the most successful leadership is the one which can easily adapt its style to the level of maturity. Robbins outline that the overall performance of the leader as well as the organization critically depends upon the nature of the relationships between the followers and the leaders. Under situational leadership, the overall organizational effectiveness as well as the performance largely depends upon what followers do and how they do it. The overall organizational performance under the situational leadership therefore largely depends upon the notion of the task as well as the supportive behavior from the followers. This paper will therefore discuss as to how the situational leadership can actually allow an organization to perform better and how it can raise the performance standards of the organization. Leadership Defined Over the period of time, it has been unanimously agreed by almost all the academics and researchers that leadership is probably the single most important factor in the success and failure of an organization. One of the lasting impressions of the successful leaders is that the environment and culture set by the leaders remain after they depart. Such a lasting influence and impact on the way leaders impact the organizations and societies therefore deserve special attention in carefully defining the overall concept of leadership. (Boaden, 2006) Accord ing to Robbins there are different explanations and definitions of leadership which have evolved over the period of time. It is however, critical to note that the different authors have disagreed on the use of formal as well as informal influence as an integral part of the overall leadership concept. (Robbins, Millett, & Waters-Marsh, 1998) According to Robbins the leadership is the ability to influence others in order to achieve common goals which can contribute towards any worthwhile goal. (Robbins, Millett, R, & Waters-Marsh, 1998) This definition therefore outlines some important ideas regarding leadership besides indicating the parameters within which leadership as a concept can be assessed. Robbins have also clearly separated the use of force and use of influence as two different aspects and it has been argued that the leaders do not force others to do something but rather they influence them to achieve a common goal. Apart from achievement of common goals, l eaders are also expected to give a shared vision as well as a worthwhile purpose. Situational Leadership Situational leadership is a relatively new concept developed two different authors during 1970s and 1980s. Developed by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard, the theories of situational leadership are considered as one of the most important contributions towards the field of leadership and its impact on the organizations. Both the authors have developed their own set of theories and models based on the situational leadership concepts. The basic or core idea behind the concept of situational leadership is based on the idea that there is no preferred style of leadership whereas the effectiveness of a leader can be judged only by the ability of the leader to adapt to maturity. The leaders therefore are considered